International Jurisprudence

In the case of foreign judgments will be limited to only tentatively translated the thesis, which, however, in most cases, should be more than sufficient.

23 Responses to International Jurisprudence

  1. wylęgły says:

    Mr. patrons

    Jak sobie poradzić z taką sytuacją

    Wyjaśnienia odnośnie zatrzymania . W poniedziałek 23.03.2015r firma mojej żony dostała zlecenie na transport z czech do wielkiej brytani . W zleceniu było napisane 3 Palette 960 kg dywaników samochodowych, przyjeliśmy to zlecenie wysyłając kierowce na załadunek do czech na ul. u farmy 28 735 41 do Kariny. Na załadunku nadawca załadował trzy owinięte czarną folią palety po czym zaplombował samochód tzn założyl plomby zeby nie można było otwierać przestrzeni transportowej, oraz wystawił list przewozowy cmr na transport dywaników z Kariny do Londynu N213QP Woodcroft. Następnie nasz kierowca wyruszył do miejsca docelowego w londynie . Po zjezdzie z promu w Dover został zatrzymany do kontroli przez służby celne , które rozplombowały samochód. Jak się okazał zamiast deklarowanych przez nadawce dywaników znajdowały się tam trzy palety z liśćmi tytoniu, wobec czego samochód wraz z towarem został zatrzymany. Informuję że nasza firma nie ma nic wspólnego z tym tytoniem ponieważ to nie przewoźnik deklaruje zawartość przesyłki a nadawca .Nasza firma była pewna że jedzie z dywanikami gdyż takie mieliśmy w zleceniu oraz w liście przewozowym cmr, jesteśmy tylko przewoźnikiem więc nie możemy kontrolować tzn rozrywać opakowań z tym co przewozimy. Teraz border force napisala w decyzji ze nie odda samochodu ponieważ była znaczna ilość przemycanego towaru . We have 45 dni na odwolanie potem juz tylko sprawa sadowa jak to rozwiazac?

  2. Paweł Judek Paweł Judek says:

    @ wylęgły

    To bardziej skomplikowana sprawa, żeby ją omówić mailowo i bez analizy dokumentów się nie obejdzie. Please contact us by email.

  3. Marcin says:

    Sir Paul, I have the following problem. 02.09.2015 I load the merchandise that was to be delivered on 4.09 to Italy. 4.09 at 17 She gets a phone call that the car has not podstawiło Unloading. After contact with the driver turned out that he had failures of ktrej have not told me and I was not informed forwarding. After a brief conversation, he said the carrier will be on Monday morning for unloading. On Monday, it turned out that arrived an hour 16. Because such a large późnienia forwarding wants to blame us for the delay amount 2000e. Additionally, the driver was waiting for loading almost all day, because the product was made, powerhouse packed and loaded on truck. CMR unloading without any annotations recipient. My question is whether forwarding has the right to ask us to pay such a large penalty? Where freight was 1,150.

  4. Paweł Judek Paweł Judek says:

    @ Martin

    If there was no gross negligence or willful misconduct, the carrier's liability for delay is limited to freight jednokrotności, so this amount 2.000 EUR rather falls. Moreover, the victim must prove the damage, which it is not easy.

  5. Marcin says:

    @ Mr. Paul
    Today I got the bill from the customer for the amount of 1525, Where is listed transport costs, Personal poszty and the cost of lost sales. Is it just might look like? I think the customer should have done better when it comes to when it comes to proving the existence of losses from lost sales.

  6. Paweł Judek Paweł Judek says:

    @ Martin

    Same account from a client without source documents, the amounts in the account, It is not sufficient evidence of injury.

  7. Przemek says:

    Hello Sir Paul . The case looks like this customer gave us the national transport from point A to point B. we zlecililiśmy Carrier Bustrip which przyjoł transport order from us podstawił under load. for loading received information that the product is still not ready . He wrote a handwritten letter” On this and so I came to the company x . due to lack of cargo was not loaded” a letter signed warehouseman Company X then loading the driver left the place without informing us of the problem and without our knowledge . today we got FV for a transport service which has not been made FV is exposed to the equivalent of freight which was to be paid for the service. In order to clarify the matter contacted the store-which he informed us that on that day the driver to podstawił the warehouse loading informed him of schadzacym commodity production a few hours later, the driver ran up irritated and tried to force the loading .Magazynier earlier announced that they have driver 24 h loading , after further arguing with the driver the driver said he had no intention to wait and resign from the loading asked only for a signature on a document he wrote. Zgopnie asking warehouseman signed up.

    Carrier asks us to pay for fv . what we do in this situation because the customer said of us do not pay.

    we have a record in the order that if the drive for loading which did not pay only for mileage km.
    and that downtime to record 48 h at the point of loading unloading are free of charge.

    I emphasize that the carrier did not get us permission to leave the loading ,what to do in this case ?

  8. Paweł Judek Paweł Judek says:

    @ Martin

    Sam bill is not enough. It should be accompanied by documents, which is confirmed as contracts with employees, bills for transportation, etc..

  9. Paweł Judek Paweł Judek says:

    @ Przemek

    If the contract was a record for 48 hours waiting to be loaded, the carrier could not leave. So there is no right to compensation, and you can even claim compensation from him for non-performance transport.

  10. Natalia says:

    I have a situation that last year the driver unloaded the goods, two construction further than indicated in the CMR, construction manager signed all the documents and took the goods without reservation. However, after 14 On( with load got an e-mail recipient from forwarding) They posted forwarding ordering us to transport the goods are badly depleted and blame them for downtime and the amount of shifting goods transport from one building to another. We, as the carrier got relief after a thorough year and four months since the service. I might also add that our carriage was about 1200 zł the load is the amount of 6500zł. After such a long time forwarding can we charge such amount?

  11. Paweł Judek Paweł Judek says:

    @ Natalia

    Jeśli to był transport krajowy, it certainly is barred. If international is no such certainty, because there in case of gross negligence, the limitation period is 3 years.

  12. Andrew says:

    Hello. We have such a situation: The company from warsaw instructs us to transport goods from the Netherlands to Polish (therefore, this company is the recipient of the goods or buyer). For loading CMR issues / prints Broadcaster (the same shipper) and in the field 2 The recipient enters firme from warsaw (because the merchandise they bought) , w poz 3 destination also Warsaw. From zlecejącej people get the order of the goods to be unloaded in Silesia, for example, Katowice . At unloading Katowice goods are unloaded and stamped with the seal of warsaw. Is such a procedure is legal ? if we can go to a different location than indicated in the cmr as the destination?

  13. dbbrzoza says:

    Sir Paul,
    the ability to search the text of the source is of course very important, Lord indeed reproached one asking, but I have some problems in doszukaniu anywhere guidelines in the following problem.
    Well, as a salesman, we broadcast the goods. baza ExW. Recipient organized transport, cover its costs etc. When you load the goods (frozen meat, -18 stC) we found, the temperature is set by the driver on -1. At this time, the container was -12 do -16 (but the unit was probably set at a higher temperature). Obviously, any clarification as to the temperature of the transport driver received from us, We suggested changing the settings on the -18 but the driver said, he has his instructions and can not change anything. After loading went. Of course, it was turned back by customs agents (Then set the correct temperature) and I returned to our office with “the problem”. The finale is the, that the insurer has paid the recipient the carrier for damage, and we received a claim from the same insurer a claim covering damages. As indicated to the base, we knew, that the driver had set the temperature -1, despite the required -18.
    Of course, the claim is not accepted but wonder how within the base ExW is to our responsibility and risk for the process of loading and evaluation of the accuracy of the settings of the driver unit. Can such a claim effectively against us, as the sender, put? If you could kindly although in one sentence to refer to this case, I will be grateful.

  14. Paweł Judek Paweł Judek says:

    @ dbbrzoza

    W mojej ocenie nie ma tu żadnej odpowiedzialności załadowcy. Przy warunkach ExW sprzedawca nie odpowiada nawet za załadunek, nie mówiąc już o temperaturze przewozu. Dlatego roszczeni zdecydowanie należy odrzucić.

  15. Joanna says:

    The carrier took to transport food pre-packaged and transported without the knowledge of immigrants from Calais to the UK . Destroyed some goods, because this will burn. Recipient (under which the logo was produced food) He ordered to immediately dispose of all goods from the lorry fearing, that something could get the parcel.
    Does the OCP to be compensated for all zutylizowanego goods or only part directly physically damaged ?

  16. Magda says:

    Hello, or placing the record in order to transport the freight forwarder “The contractor undertakes to refrain from direct client contacts under pain of penalty 60 000 EUR. The ban applies for the duration of cooperation with the contractor and by the freight forwarder 3 years after its completion. In the event of damage with the forwarding agent in the amount higher than the reserved contractual penalty, he is entitled to claim damages in excess of / in penalties” It is legitimate?

  17. Paweł Judek Paweł Judek says:

    @ Magda

    In the light of previous case-law you can have doubts about it, because it is not too precise wording.

  18. Miroslaw says:

    The carrier took to transport food pre-packaged and transported without the knowledge of immigrants from Calais to the UK . Destroyed some goods, because this will burn. Recipient (under which the logo was produced food) He ordered to immediately dispose of all goods from the lorry fearing, that something could get the parcel.
    Does the OCP to be compensated for all zutylizowanego goods or only part directly physically damaged ? Ubezpieczyciel OCP zapłacił tylko cześć bezsporną
    za uszkodzone serki .

  19. Paweł Judek Paweł Judek says:

    @ Mirosław

    Dużo zależy od rodzaju żywności i poziomu ryzyka jej zanieczyszczenia. Wyroki sądów bywają różne, ale jest tendencja do uznawania całego ładunku za nienadający się do wprowadzenia do obrotu. Można więc walczyć o odszkodowanie za cały towar.

  20. Ewelina says:

    Hello, bardzo cenie Pana porady od lat. Mam problem i chciałabym prosić o poradę mogę prosić pana gmaila?

  21. OLa says:

    dzień dobry!
    Mam takie pytanie odnośnie mandatów na drogach i przechowywania dokumentacji przez pracodawcę.Czy tak ,kierowca ma w samochodzie licznik i po 28 dnia jak by ma od nowa, jeżeli w trakcie tych 28 dni dostał mandat to musi go zapłacić na miejscu a jeżeli kros mu zrobił zdjęcia albo zaczytał licznik ze miał mniej odpoczynku ,to wtedy jak in musi płacić za to od razu czy w trakcie miesiąca kiedy dostanie papier ze musze zapłacić i jeżeli nie dostaje w trakcie tych 28 dni to wtedy w ogóle nie płaci za to?
    Nie rozumiem tego/Poza tym przechowuje firma papiery odnośnie naruszeń prze rok?
    Czy może inspektor obłożyć mandatem pracodawcę za te wszystkie naruszenia co wygasły/Jeżeli tak czy mógłby pan podesłać linka gdzie to jest opasane na podstawie czego to działa

  22. Magda says:

    What's in a situation where the customer does not pay his client allegedly because he had not paid? international transport

  23. Asia says:

    What's in a situation where the customer does not pay his client allegedly because he had not paid? international transport

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