Temporary interruption

Piątek wieczór, wreszcie chwila czasu, Zeby COS napisać na bloga. Podstawową Zasada funkcjonowania blogów jest regularność wpisów. Dlatego Wole uprzedzić, Iz w najbliższym czasie z toe regularnością Moga BYC spore Problemy. Przyczynę widać na załączonym zdjęciu, her name is Ignaś and she turned two weeks yesterday 🙂 The second time controlling a newborn is much easier, ale nie na Tyle łatwiejsze, Zeby nie odbiło się to Na innych aktywnościach. I hope, however,, that soon work and family allow me to re-involvement in blog. So see you 🙂

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12 Responses to Temporary interruption

  1. Lech says:

    Firstly – congratulations:)

    Secondly – late entry of 2 weeks, Please respect the readers :)))

  2. Magda says:

    Congratulations and we are waiting for more entries 🙂

  3. Congratulations on the offspring and of course a lot of health for him 🙂

    Personally, I can say, I know “the pain” linked to a lack of time for other activities, going through the same thing as a few months ago, which was (and still has) reflected in the number of blog posts. Nevertheless, a child's smile rewards everything 🙂

  4. @ Lech

    Thank you very much 🙂 Somehow, there was not much time for the first two weeks 😛

  5. @ Magda

    Thank you very much 🙂

  6. @ Christopher

    Thank you also 🙂 I agree, that caring for a small child very “rewards” so of course I don't regret anything 🙂

  7. Wojciech Marcinkowski says:

    Congratulations and a lot of health for the whole family 🙂

  8. @ Wojciech Marcinkowski

    Thank you very much 🙂

  9. Congratulations !!!!
    I wish you further such contributions.

  10. Thank 🙂

  11. Paul – CONGRATULATIONS! To emphasize my respect for the circumstances typed the address of another blog than usual ;-).

  12. @ Agnes Swaczyna

    Thank you, thank 🙂

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